Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Legal Authority

Legal Authority

I made contact with David Brown. He is part of the law firm the Moran Law Firm LLC. To be honest I actually have known Dave for awhile. I knew him since he was in Law School. I knew he would be a good choice, one, he has studied in Intellectual Property and also in Business Law. And those are both topics that I would need to know to start a business.
“Business methods changed quickly during the first half of the last century. Transportation speeded up. Corporations routinely conducted business across state borders and around the world. These developments presented a problem. Common law principles, whether related to contracts, torts, or anything else, sometimes vary from one state to another.” Also I thought it would be easy and great to talk to someone I knew. He knows I am in entertainment and I have asked him questions before.  “Contracts: is a promise that the law will enforce. As we look more closely at the elements of contract law, we will encounter some intricate issues, but remember that we are usually interested in answering three basic questions of common sense, all relating to promises.”  So over all I thought choosing David as my legal adviser was a great choice. I also use him as my regular lawyer. He works with my legal documents and looks all over all my contracts. Agency is the fiduciary relationship that arises when one person (a principal) manifests assent to another person (an agent) that the agent shall act on the principal's behalf and subject to the principal's control, and the agent manifests assent or otherwise consents so to act.

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